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In-depth interviews: cardiologists, Canada

Healthcare professional holds stethoscope out towards patient during a check-up

The client brief

We were instructed by a management consulting client who wanted to do market research with cardiologists.

Number of profiles - 6
Research Countries - 
  • Canada
Research Industry Focus - 

Research methodology

These are the methodologies FieldworkHub used during this research process to help our client achieve their desired results.

FieldworkHub delivers

We recruited six Canadian cardiologists who were based outside hospitals and had experience in prescribing New Oral Anticoagulant (NOAC) drugs to patients with heart conditions and scheduled in-depth telephone interviews with them over a two-week period.

Click here for more on FieldworkHub's recruitment strategy

The team at FieldworkHub have been an absolute pleasure to work with. We threw in a mid-fieldwork curveball requesting additional sample and the team accepted the request with no issues in delivering. The quality of the sample was high and I have no hesitation in recommending FieldworkHub and look forward to working with them again.


Senior Account DirectorGlobal Market Research Agency


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