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Having found the right respondents for your consumer or B2B market research, you need to make sure you get the right information from them.

Our team can also help you build a flexible discussion guide for your market research focus group or a well-structured questionnaire for your quantitative survey.
Qualitative market research is usually based on a flexible discussion guide comprising open-ended questions.
A discussion guide will typically have four sections:
  • welcome in which the moderator makes introductions, explains the purpose of the session and sets out the ground rules
  • warm-up comprising a few questions designed to put the respondents at ease and get them talking rather than collecting lots of information
  • core where the key topics are covered in a way that collects as much information as possible in an unbiased manner
  • wrap-up where the moderator will check their understanding of key points from the session and perhaps ask the respondents to sum up their views.
FieldworkHub is an agile, knowledgeable market research fieldwork agency providing high-quality focus group recruitment as part of our full range of qualitative and quantitative fieldwork services.
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