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Online focus groups with UK educators on EdTech

Teacher talking to student using laptop in class

The client brief

A global technology company wanted to speak to teachers and education leaders in the UK about the use of educational technology in the classroom and for remote learning during the coronavirus lockdowns.

FieldworkHub was tasked with finding 24 respondents within a week to take part in a series of online focus groups focusing on the usability and technical merits of a variety of different platforms. The client wanted to speak to a diverse sample of classroom teachers who worked in schools of different sizes, in rural as well as urban areas. They also wanted to speak to people who made decisions about what technologies are used in their school (typically heads, deputy heads or departmental heads).

Number of profiles - 24
Research Countries - 
Research Audience - 
Research Industry Focus - 

Research methodology

These are the methodologies FieldworkHub used during this research process to help our client achieve their desired results.

FieldworkHub delivers

We assisted the client by adapting their US screener to include questions and language that were more relevant to the UK educational sector. Our biggest challenge was finding education leaders for the decision-maker sessions, but we adopted creative recruitment strategies and managed to fill all the groups despite the tight timeline.

We are very satisfied with the results. Thank you for your excellent management, you were a delight to work with.


Team LeadEuropean Online Retailer


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