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Remote user testing: university application system

Female university applicant seated across from interviewers and shaking hands as she completes an admissions interview

The client brief

The University of Cambridge had created a new online application system for candidates wishing to study at Cambridge to use in the upcoming academic year.

Number of profiles - 14
Research Countries - 
Research Audience - 
Research Industry Focus - 

Research methodology

These are the methodologies FieldworkHub used during this research process to help our client achieve their desired results.

FieldworkHub delivers

Our client wanted to conduct a number of 60-minute remote user tests via Zoom, with a sample of prospective undergraduate and postgraduate students who were applying to top universities in the UK. The user tests involved students trialling the new application and providing feedback on what worked and what needed improving. We contacted, recruited and screened in 14 respondents in less than a week. To encourage participation and ensure we had no last-minute cancellations, we sent reminder emails and checked in with the respondents by phone.

Click here to learn more about FieldworkHub's recruitment process for Gen-Z research participants

I was pleased to work with FieldworkHub to engage with small businesses. The team were friendly and engaging and they added value by make practical suggestions on how we could best capture the information we required in the fairest and most objective way possible. The team had to work to very tight timescales and they delivered. Their work contributed to the decisions and actions taken by us subsequently.


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