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Focus groups: UK water provider, message testing

Consumer filling glass from kitchen tap

The client brief

Our client, a well-known water supplier in the UK, asked FieldworkHub to support a study involving segments of their customer base who have not engaged with their outreach messages and campaigns in recent years. We carried out the recruitment and focus group scheduling for this project, which involved recruiting in tightly defined geographical areas, and handing interlocking quotas that included some attitudinal factors.

Number of profiles - 36
Research Countries - 
Research Audience - 
Research Industry Focus - 

Research methodology

These are the methodologies FieldworkHub used during this research process to help our client achieve their desired results.

FieldworkHub delivers

The customer quotas included older customers who are cost conscious, engaged in their community and make efforts to save water at home; customers aged between 35 and 54 who are engaged in their communities, family-focused and make little effort to save water; and younger customers who are financially stretched and not engaged in their community. We successfully recruited twelve consumers in each of the three categories in a relatively short timeline (less than three weeks from start to finish) and co-ordinated schedules and interview times to enable the client to moderate all of the focus groups in a timely manner.

FieldworkHub has been a great research partner to me and my team. Caroline and Cornelius were incredibly proactive, helping us anticipate any issues that might come up and plan for how to handle them. Even though it did turn out to be a challenging project, things went smoothly because we were one step ahead. The team went above and beyond to help ensure our goals were met.


Research Leaddscout, inc.


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