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F2F IDIs: MS and arthritis patients and carers, Basel

Swiss arthritis patient with carer photographed outdoors

The client brief

FieldworkHub was commissioned by a leading healthcare consultancy to conduct a face-to-face study in Basel, Switzerland. The study aimed to evaluate people’s preferences towards different packaging designs for medicines used in the treatment of patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) or arthritis. The client wished to hear from a combination of patients with these conditions, their carers, and a general population group.

Number of profiles - 22
Research Countries - 
Research Industry Focus - 

Research methodology

These are the methodologies FieldworkHub used during this research process to help our client achieve their desired results.

FieldworkHub delivers

In the space of two weeks, FieldworkHub recruited ten patients with MS and/or arthritis aged 55 and over, seven people who care for patients with MS and/or arthritis, and five members of the general public, satisfying all of the client’s quotas. All of the participants completed a 60-minute face-to-face interview at the client’s premises in Basel, Switzerland. This research was essential for developing strategies to enhance healthcare services and product offerings.

The team were very quick to support all aspects of the project with excellent communication throughout. It was great that they were able to deliver on our requests fully to a very tight deadline and they took all of the stress of recruitment for us. We are extremely happy with our experience of working with FieldworkHub and would look to use them again in the future.


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