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Online surveys for market research

Quantitative market research agency
Online surveys are a cost-effective research method with great flexibility in design. Automated data input and handling also mean that the results are available instantly. Many online surveys can also be completed on smartphones or tablets, which helps to improve the response rate.
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Online Surveys Quantitative Market Research

Why are online surveys great for market research?

Online surveys are excellent for market research due to their cost-effectiveness, rapid data collection, and wide reach. They are convenient for respondents, enhancing response rates, and provide accurate, unbiased data. With advanced analytics and customisation options, they deliver deep insights. Additionally, they are scalable, and ensure honest feedback through anonymity.

How do we deliver effective and scalable online surveys?

To deliver effective and scalable online surveys, the FieldworkHub team start with clear objectives and design concise, logical questions. CustomiSe and test the survey, ensuring it’s mobile-friendly. Use reliable platforms for broad distribution and incentivise participation. Monitor responses, ensure high data quality, and analyse results with advanced tools. Continuously improve based on feedback for optimal insights.

UK quantitative market research

FieldworkHub is one of the UK’s leading quantitive market research agencies companies. Our UK research spans all major cities, including London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and Edinburgh – and right across to the Outer Hebrides!

UK online survey research on small business owners

Business woman using computer and calculator while doing bookkeeping

Our client, a leading provider of online accounting software for small businesses and accountants, wanted to conduct an online survey with small business owners to understand what breakpoints triggered small businesses to start using accounting software, and whether these were associated with particular factors such as type of business, time in business, company structure and turnover. The end goal of the research was to design special features in their software that made solving these breakpoints easy. The client was keen to get the views of respondents in a wide range of different business sectors including professional services, construction, finance and insurance and agriculture.

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International quantitative market research

Over 70% of our market research is conducted in the US and in international markets. We international quantitative experts - enabling you to better understand consumer trends, brand sentiment across over 100+ countries in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and the Americas.

International market research - Health insurance customers in the UAE

Arab couple consulting a doctor

A management consultancy was assisting a client in Abu Dhabi with a project relating to health insurance for diabetics and patients with other common chronic conditions. We were asked to recruit Emirati patients, ex-pat patients who had lived in Abu Dhabi for at least a year and younger Emiratis who were at risk of contracting diabetes for online interviews. In a later stage of the research, we also recruited Emiratis and Arab ex-pats who had consulted a doctor about diet and nutrition services. Finally, we were asked to run a short online survey with diabetic patients living in the UAE to test some concepts that the client was developing.

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Online questionnaires

Online questionnaires are a common method where respondents fill out a structured set of questions. These can include various question types such as multiple choice, Likert scales, and open-ended responses. They are cost-effective, scalable, and can be distributed widely through email or social media.

Online polls

Polls are short, simple surveys typically consisting of one or two questions. They are ideal for quickly gathering opinions or preferences from a large audience. Polls are often used on social media platforms to engage users and obtain instant feedback on specific topics or trends.

Online web forms

Web forms are integrated into websites to collect information from visitors. They can be used for various purposes, including customer feedback, registration, and contact information. Web forms are versatile and can be customised to fit the specific needs of the research.

Interactive surveys

Interactive surveys engage respondents through multimedia elements such as images, videos, and interactive questions. This method enhances user experience and can lead to higher completion rates. Interactive surveys are particularly effective for market research and product testing.

Email surveys

Email surveys are distributed to respondents via email, containing a link to the survey. This method allows for targeting specific demographics or customer lists. Email surveys can be tracked for open and response rates, providing insights into engagement levels and respondent behaviour.

Mobile surveys

Mobile surveys are designed to be completed on smartphones and tablets. They are optimised for smaller screens and touch input, making them accessible and convenient for respondents on the go. Mobile surveys are useful for capturing in-the-moment feedback and reaching a broader audience.

Key benefits of online surveys for consumer research

Online surveys offer cost-effectiveness, speed, and global reach, allowing brands to gather diverse data efficiently. They provide convenience for respondents, boosting participation rates, and ensure honest feedback due to anonymity. Customisation and advanced analytics enhance data accuracy, delivering deep insights for informed decisions​.

Key benefits of online surveys in B2B research

For B2B research, online surveys are cost-effective, quick, and ensure accurate data collection. They reach a broad audience, including hard-to-reach business professionals, and offer flexible customisation for tailored questions. Advanced analytics provide detailed insights, supporting strategic business decisions​.

Key benefits of online surveys

Cost-effective: Lower costs compared to qualitative methods
Fast results: Quick data collection and analysis
Wide reach: Access a global audience effortlessly
Convenient: Easy for respondents to complete at their convenience​
Accurate data: Reduces human error and bias​

Online survey FAQs

We design effective online surveys with clear objectives, concise and relevant questions, and a logical flow. We use a mix of question types, avoid leading questions, and ensure the survey is visually appealing and easy to navigate.
You should use online surveys to gather large-scale data efficiently, understand consumer preferences, and segment markets. An online survey is ideal for product testing, employee feedback, academic research, event feedback, and assessing customer satisfaction. Useful for political research and measuring marketing campaign effectiveness
Our process for delivering online surveys involves defining clear objectives, designing concise and engaging questions, and using a reliable survey platform. We customise and pilot test the survey, ensuring mobile compatibility. After distribution, we monitor responses, ensure data quality, analyse results with advanced tools, and iterate improvements based on feedback​.

I want to express my appreciation for the team’s effort on this project. Wanessa, especially, went above and beyond in the past week in communicating with both our team and the researchers on the ground.

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