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IDIs: pharmacy claims portal capabilities, USA

Female customer talking to pharmacist

The client brief

We were asked to recruit B2B respondents in the USA who are directly responsible for operating a company health insurance and pharmacy plan. The client wanted to talk to understand how they use their provider’s online portal to manage the pharmacy benefits that their company offers to its employees.

Number of profiles - 27
Research Countries - 
Research Audience - 
Research Industry Focus - 

Research methodology

These are the methodologies FieldworkHub used during this research process to help our client achieve their desired results.

FieldworkHub delivers

Respondents needed to fall into one of two categories: either employees who are actively managing and administering their company’s current medical and pharmacy benefits via an online portal, or advisors/consultants/brokers who access an  online portal so that they can assist their corporate clients in managing the benefits that they offer to employees. Both types of respondent needed to be very familiar with the way in which their preferred portal is used to manage the pharmacy benefits. In addition the client wanted the sample to cover a mix of small, mid-sized and large sized companies.

We helped the client to improve their screener survey by including additional questions to ensure that we were targeting the right audience for this study. With these additional questions in place, we successfully delivered 18 interviews with employees and nine interviews with advisors across the three different segments of firm size, thereby satisfying our client’s needs.

More on how FieldworkHub maximizes success in B2B research

It was an absolute pleasure working with FieldworkHub. They were extremely smart and professional, sharing great market specific insights to help us drive out project strategy from the start and made the entire process easy and reassuring. The recruits were spot on for our audience and the facilities they partnered with were great. We look forward to working with FieldworkHub again in the future.

Tyler McDonald

Senior ManagerGolin


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FieldworkHub is an agile, knowledgeable market research fieldwork agency providing high-quality focus group recruitment as part of our full range of qualitative and quantitative fieldwork services.
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