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OBB and IDIs in the UK about new type of toothpaste

Close up of woman squeezing toothpaste onto a toothbrush

The client brief

Our client, an agency working for a well-known US multinational consumer packaged goods company, reached out to FieldworkHub asking us to recruit 20 respondents from the UK to take part in an online bulletin board about a recently launched line of toothpaste. Respondents needed to be a mix of males and females aged 18 to 50 years old, with a mix of users of manual / regular toothbrushes, battery powered toothbrushes and electric rechargeable toothbrushes. When selected to take part, respondents were asked to record a number of short ‘selfie’ videos using their smartphone over a period of a few days. The client also asked us to re-contact the six respondents who made the most interesing and insightful videos for 45-minue follow-up interviews via Zoom.

Number of profiles - 20
Research Countries - 
Research Audience - 
Research Industry Focus - 

Research methodology

These are the methodologies FieldworkHub used during this research process to help our client achieve their desired results.

FieldworkHub delivers

We overcame a number of challenges during the  recruitment process including the special algorithm in the screener from the client that segmented respondents into different categories depending on what ‘toothpaste type’ they were. This made recruitment more complex and screened out 20-30% of respondents who qualified on the other criteria. Additionally, the toothpaste was not as readily available in UK stores as the client anticipated, which meant that some participants needed to visit up to three different stores to find the one that stocked the product. FieldworkHub liaised closely with respondents to keep them motivated during this process. In the end the client's expectations for completion were exceeded as we had no drop-outs and all of them were able to deliver useful insights.

Thanks for all of FieldworkHub’s help and responsiveness on this project, making it a smooth process.


Senior Account DirectorMarketing Agency


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FieldworkHub is an agile, knowledgeable market research fieldwork agency providing high-quality focus group recruitment as part of our full range of qualitative and quantitative fieldwork services.
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