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OBB about pet bedding and cat litter, UK

Close up of golden hamster nestling in pet bedding

The client brief

We were asked by an agency supporting a pet supplies company to recruit 28 respondents in the UK who used a specific brand of cat litter or small animal bedding, to take part in a three-day online bulletin board where they were asked to submit videos and photos, as well as write responses to a variety of questions. We recruited a mixture of household structure and a mix of different purchasing channels, alongside other recruitment criteria. We also verified that respondents owned the particular items, by asking them to verify on the phone details of the packaging. 

Number of profiles - 
Research Countries - 
Research Audience - 
Research Industry Focus - 

Research methodology

These are the methodologies FieldworkHub used during this research process to help our client achieve their desired results.

FieldworkHub delivers

Once our team had successfully onboarded respondents onto the online bulletin board platform, we were responsible for following up with respondents each day to ensure the activities were completed in a timely manner. Our team also ensured that the respondents were responding to prompts from the moderator on the bulletin board. By rigorously following up with respondents, our team not only fulfilled but exceeded the client's quota of completes for this project.

Thanks to you and your team for getting everyone set up tonight and making sure the groups ran smoothly.


Senior DirectorGovernment/Public Affairs Agency


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Looking to understand how FieldworkHub can help you achieve your market research goals? Our team can advise you on the best approach and  help scope the perfect market research solution to meet your specific research needs.  
FieldworkHub is an agile, knowledgeable market research fieldwork agency providing high-quality focus group recruitment as part of our full range of qualitative and quantitative fieldwork services.
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