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Focus groups: list recruitment of sports fans

Crowd of sports fans standing in a stadium cheering during a match

The client brief

FieldworkHub was asked by an international marketing company to reach out to a list of respondents to take part in online focus groups, to test the concept for a new app that was designed to improve the experience and organisation of ticketed live sporting events. The client wanted four groups per market, each comprising five respondents who attended ticketed live sporting events. The respondents had previously taken part in a survey and volunteered to be recontacted. FieldworkHub was asked to reach out to these volunteers, re-screen them, organise them  into different segments using a typing tool, and then arrange a focus group with each segment.

Number of profiles - 70
Research Countries - 
Research Audience - 
Research Industry Focus - 

Research methodology

These are the methodologies FieldworkHub used during this research process to help our client achieve their desired results.

FieldworkHub delivers

FieldworkHub contacted respondents to engage with them and encourage them to take part in an online focus group. We co-ordinated the moderators for the client, organised briefings and ensured that moderators were informed with the relevant documents and details. After FieldworkHub had exhausted the list provided by the client by reaching out to all respondents at least three times, we filled the remaining spaces in the groups with recruits from our own market research community. The free-find respondents had a more limited understanding of the concept at the start of their focus group, as they did not take part in the initial quantitative survey. We therefore made sure to communicate which respondents had not completed the survey to our moderators in case this impacted the discussion.


We are very satisfied with the results. Thank you for your excellent management, you were a delight to work with.


Team LeadEuropean Online Retailer


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