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User experience & TDIs: type 1 diabetes, UK, Germany

Close up of diabetic patient's insulin pen

The client brief

Our client, a not-for-profit organisation, wanted to test an app to assist with the management of Type 1 diabetes with recently diagnosed patients and those with longer experience of managing the condition.

Number of profiles - 50
Research Countries - 
Research Industry Focus - 

Research methodology

These are the methodologies FieldworkHub used during this research process to help our client achieve their desired results.

FieldworkHub delivers

We recruited 20 patients who had been diagnosed in the last 12 months and 30 patients diagnosed more than 12 months previously to test the app and take part in online activities and telephone interviews with our client over a six-month period. The research helped our client to develop and refine the app.

Click here to read FieldworkHub's tips for effective market research participant recruiting

We are very satisfied with the results. Thank you for your excellent management, you were a delight to work with.


Team LeadEuropean Online Retailer


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