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IDIs: UK SMB owners, card payments

Customer paying with contactless credit card at flower shop

The client brief

The UK Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) reached out to FieldworkHub for a research project to investigate the perceptions of small and medium-sized businesses in the UK on card and interbank payments.  We were asked to recruit 20 small and medium business owners from the UK with a mix of regional locations, industries and company sizes. The respondents needed to be the main decision maker for payment solutions and systems at their company. In a subsequent project, we were asked to recruit 20 more business owners to get their feedback on a set of potential remedies that the PSR was considering to address the issues found in its Card Acquiring Market Review. 

Number of profiles - 40
Research Countries - 
Research Audience - 
Research Industry Focus - 

Research methodology

These are the methodologies FieldworkHub used during this research process to help our client achieve their desired results.

FieldworkHub delivers

Both projects required a ‘full service’ approach where we helped the PSR to design the market research approach, recruited suitable participants for qualitative online depth interviews via Microsoft Teams and provided input on the client’s draft discussion guide. FieldworkHub’s moderator then conducted the in-depth interviews, recorded all sessions and provided written transcripts to the client once the interviews had taken place. We then prepared a detailed report in Word format and presented the high-level results to the client team. Each project was supported by a videographer who compiled a short video with selected quotes from respondents to bring the written report to life. The client was very pleased with the insights that they obtained from both projects and the quality of the deliverables that FieldworkHub supplied.

I want to express my appreciation for the team’s effort on this project. Wanessa, especially, went above and beyond in the past week in communicating with both our team and the researchers on the ground.


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